Killer on Back Hoe
Grady's Gift
Billion $ View
Elisabeth + Bengt
Jody, Surrogate Womb, Missouri
Elisabeth, Begnt + Charlie
Blow Up Doll
Breaking Down the Master's Series II, Pittsburgh, PA
66 Restaurant
Battered Women's Shelter, Mother + Daughter, Minneapolis
Franklin St Station
Ernie + The Doll
Extras West Broadway & Thomas Street
Canal Street
Breaking Down the Master's Series I, Pittsburgh, PA
Begnt + Elisabeth with Photograph He Took of Elisabeth + The Hooker
Immaculate Conception, Northampton
Batterers Intervention
34 Leonard St.
At No Small Price, Nussbaum vs Steinberg, Hedda Won
Choice Ain't No Joke, Union Square, NYC
Ernie + Brianna
Annual Brides March, Bronx
Ernie + Brian, When Children Witness Violence
Constance Wolf, Blue Bells
Cobblestoned Leonard Street
Frantic Mom calls Cops, Philadelphia
Charlie in the Bedroom with Swingers
Collective Unconsciousness Orgasm Machine, L.E.S.
Hedda Nussbaum VS Joel Steinberg, with Betty Levinson and Gloria Steinem, Supremem Court NYC
Diane Hawkins + Her Daughter Denise, Double Femicide
Karen Cries
Battered Lesbian Holding Photograph of her Abusive Lover, Boulder, Colo
5th Avenue
AT&T Building
Christy Ferrato Unfettered Mother, Educator, Artist, Poet, Unbeatable
Homeless on Hudson & Duane St
Elisabeth + Begnt
Be Aware Predators are Everywhere, Lower East Side, NYC
Enlightened, Lorain, OH
Bubble Lounge
Diane "I guess I don't look so bad"
Joya, Justina + Leslie, To the Dialysis Hospital, Lima, Peru
Diamond, the boy who said "NO," for hitting his Mom
El Teddy's Last Relic
Your current search criteria is: Portfolio is "Global History of Photography" and [Objects]Artist is "Donna Ferrato".