A Soul Music Dance Club, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
Afghan Refugees, Peshawar, Pakistan
Cambodian Refugees in a Refugee Camp on the Border in Thailand
Coal Miners in Knovokuzbetsk, Siberia, Russia
Concierge and His Wife, Rue de Lappe, Paris, France
Eritrean Refugees, Eastern Sudan
Ethiopian Refugees, Eastern Sudan
Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
Gulf War Refugees, Jordanian Desert
Kurdish Refugees near the end of the Gulf War Southern Turkey
Kurdish Refugees, Gulf War, Southern Turkey
McClellan Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
Midwife, Bukhara, Uzbekistan, USSR
Near Death Valley, California, USA
Refugees from Kosovo, Albania
Refugees from the War in Kosovo, Macedonia
San Joaquin Valley, California, US
Somali Refugees
Your current search criteria is: Keyword is "KV" and [Objects]Century is "20th Century" and [Objects]Object Type is "Prints" and [Objects]Artist is "Peter Turnley".