[Group of Five Standing Figures]
Lucifer's God Child
[Woman in German Peasant Dress, Hat and Apron]
[Seated Woman with Cat]
[Study for Girl with Kitten]
[Composition of Three Women in Hats]
Musicologist Reference – Prokofieff
[Landscape with Trees]
[Landscape with Trees and Wall]
[Landscape with Trees in a Courtyard]
[Landscape with Wooded Road with Gate]
[Group of Three Standing Figures]
[Landscape with Forest Road]
[Landscape with Pine Tree and Forest]
[Still Life Flowers]
[Seacoast with Sand Beach, Rocks, and Trees]
[Seacoast with Sand Beach, Rocks, Trees, and Clouds]
[Seacoast with Cove, Trees, Rocks and Driftwood]
[Seacoast with Trees, Rocks, and Driftwood]
Your current search criteria is: Keyword is "DO" and [Objects]Artist is "Marsden Hartley" and [Objects]Object Type is "Marsden Hartley Memorial Collection".