Exhibition Catalogues, Rosenberg Galleries
Letter and envelope to Miss L.M Hartley
Watercolor book illustration of a classic frieze
Watercolor book illustration of a girl in pink
Watercolor book illustration of cats and a dog
Watercolor book illustration of girl in chair with kittens
Watercolor book illustration of man and woman
Watercolor book illustration of standing man and women at table
Watercolor book illustration of Venice canal with boat
Watercolor book illustration of woman looking into water
Watercolor book illustration, "A Difficult Question"
Watercolor book illustration, "At the Fireside"
Watercolor book illustration, "Dorothea"
Watercolor book illustration, "Lavinia, Countess Spencer"
Watercolor book illustration, "Legend of King Athur / Elaine Guarding Lancelot's Sheild"
Watercolor book illustration, "Love's Messenger"
Watercolor book illustration, "Something About Dogs / In Disgrace"
Watercolor book illustration, "The Expulsion of Adam and Eve - Design for doors at the Trinity Church, New York"
Watercolor book illustration, "Venice"
Watercolor book ilustration of Red Riding Hood
Your current search criteria is: Portfolio is "Hartley Memorabilia / Ephemera" and [Objects]Artist is "Marsden Hartley" and [Objects]Country is "United States".