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Unknown Artist (Teotihuacan)

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Mold-made Figurine Fragement

Unknown Artist (Teotihuacan)

See 1951.2.99 for a similar figurine although the two differ 1955.1.112.b having a concave rear as opposed to the relatively flat rear of 1951.2.99.
See Berrin, Kathleen, and E. Pasztory (eds.), 1993, Teotihuacan. Art from the City of the Gods. The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. Thames and Hudson, New York, pp.232-234.; also see Cook de Leonard, Carmen, 1971, “Ceramics of the Classic Period in Central Mexico. In Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol. II, Part 1. University of Texas Press, Austin, pp. 179-205; Scott, Sue, 2004, The Terracotta Figurines from Sigvald Linné’s Excavations at Teotihuacán, México. FAMSI Report 99100 (; Taube, Karl, 1988, The Albers Collection of Pre-Columbian Art. Hudson Hills Press, New York.

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