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Unknown Artist (Teotihuacan)

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Figurine fragment

Unknown Artist (Teotihuacan)

The heart-shaped head is diagnostic of Teotihuacan figurines beginning during Miccaotli times (150-200 CE) and extending to the Metepec phase (650-750 CE). The rounded contours of the head suggest this figurine belongs to the earlier corpus (c. 200-400 CE). The piece may be the torso of an articulated figure, a unique artifact type found at Teotihuacan. These puppet-like figurines primarily depict women; some have lines across their lower torso indicating a female who has given birth. Articulated figurines first appear during Tzacualli phase (1-150 CE) and continue through to the Metepec phase (650-750 CE). The earlier ones have only articulated legs whereas the later versions have movable arms and legs.
See Berrin, Kathleen, and E. Pasztory (eds.), 1993, Teotihuacan. Art from the City of the Gods. The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. Thames and Hudson, New York, pp.232-234.; also see Cook de Leonard, Carmen, 1971, “Ceramics of the Classic Period in Central Mexico. In Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol. II, Part 1. University of Texas Press, Austin, pp. 179-205; Scott, Sue, 2004, The Terracotta Figurines from Sigvald Linné’s Excavations at Teotihuacán, México. FAMSI Report 99100 (; Taube, Karl, 1988, The Albers Collection of Pre-Columbian Art. Hudson Hills Press, New York.

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