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Figurine fragment

Unknown Artist (Tlatilco?)

Hand-modeled figurines are a hallmark of the early village cultures of Central Mexico (e.g. Tlatilco and Tlapacoya in the Valley of Mexico; Las Bocas in Puebla; San Pablo in Morelos, and Teotihuacan). This early sculptural tradition is notable for the large quantity and stylistic variety of these minute sculptures, most of which portray females. The Central Mexico corpus has been seriated into sub-groups based on figural characteristics including facial features, body forms, and adornments. The fragmentary condition of this piece makes certain identification problematic because the surviving features recall figurines from Central Mexico to the Gulf Coast (Veracruz and Tabasco states) regions; however, the features recall the Type-D category of the Valley of Mexico.
See Parson, Lee, 1980, Pre-Columbian Art. The Morton D. May and St. Louis Art Museum Collection, St. Louis Art Museum, cat. #3-6; also see García Payón, José, 1971, “Archaeology of Central Veracruz.” In Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol. II, Part 2. University of Texas Press, Austin, pp. 505-542. University of Texas Press, Austin.

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